Giving Thanks

I’m a day late, but that’s ok. I’ve got a lot to be thankful for this year and it has taken me some time to make my list.

1. My family. Everyone says it, but I am very thankful for two beautiful, healthy and intelligent children. I am also thankful for my husband who not only puts up with my moodiness, but my passion for this alternative career path that I’m on. On top of that, I’ve got an amazing extended family who support us in a variety of different ways. I really am very lucky on that front.

2. Me. It may sound silly, but I’m thankful for all of the things that make me who I am. I am thankful to be reasonably healthy and to have been given all the tools I need for a successful and happy life.

3. Barbara Sher. Author Barbara Sher literally changed my life. It is very rare that any sort of self-help, self-improvement, find your passion books do much more than give me something to think about. Reading Barbara’s book Refuse to Choose! was a completely validating experience. I am not someone who thrives in a traditional work environment where you slowly trudge your way up the corporate ladder and spend your entirely life finding your way to the top.

4. Work. I love working. I love what I’m doing, and I love the people who have come into my life. I don’t deal with levels of bureaucracy and I am free to say yes – or no – to the projects that interest me. I’m happy to be recognized for my skill and expertise and, even better, to be paid to do the things I enjoy. Yeah, I’m not rolling in money (yet), but I’m doing pretty well.

5. Pitfalls. I’m so thankful for all of the professional setbacks I came up against this year because they led me to the fantastic place I am today.

6. Positive energy. If you know me, you may not think I’m a positive person. I’m overly practical at times and can tend towards complaining rather than celebrating. For some reason I’m inclined towards bonding over the negative things I have in common with people. Anyway, that’s something I’m working on. The truth is that I don’t internally dwell on the negative as much as it may seem. I am very focused on the positive things in my life and, although I am always prepared for a worse-case scenario, I try to move forward with the best-case scenario in mind. You can see the results of this in my life. I envision the things I want, work toward them and usually obtain them. So, I’m thankful for my inner attitude that helps me define and achieve my goals.

My life isn’t a perfect one, but this has been a really wonderful year overall. Better still, it’s just the beginning.

Happy Thanksgiving to my readers and especially my friends and family.

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