Month: October 2011

Creating the Perfect Group Photo with Windows Live Photo Gallery Photo Fuse
Most of us have experienced the dreaded group photo shot, especially at the holidays. In one picture, someone is blinking, in another, someone has looked away. It’s frustrating at best. Luckily, Windows Live Photo Gallery, a free piece of software from Microsoft, allows you to capture the best of each of your group photos and bring them together into one amazing shot.
Microsoft, Sesame Street, and National Geographic Show Us the Next Frontier of Television and Educational Content
There are times when I get a press release that I know I should share immediately, but I’m just not sure how to capture the impact of the story. Last week was one of those times. In short, Kinect for Xbox 360 announced a ground-breaking partnership with National Geographic and Sesame Street. The two iconic television shows will work with Microsoft to present “Kinect Nat Geo TV” and “Kinect Sesame Street TV,” two interactive television series aimed at engaging kids, mind and body, in learning.
12 Reasons I (Probably) Won’t Follow You Back on Twitter
I was chatting with a friend the other day about Twitter etiquette. She’s someone who believes that you should follow everyone back on Twitter. I disagree. Here’s the deal. I’m old-school. I use Twitter on and I read every Tweet that passes through my stream while I’m on there. Most people are in the
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One Review
My husband and I enjoy playing video games together. Unfortunately, where I am a gamer, he’s a Gamer. He likes a wider range of game, plays more often than I do, and is generally more skilled than I am. It makes it challenging to find games that we enjoy playing together. Typically he’s bored, I’m confused and overwhelmed, or we’re just not properly matched in terms of skills. So, I went into game time with Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One with a lot of hesitation. I’m not a big fan of shooting things and I wasn’t sure we’d have fun together. I was wrong. We enjoyed the game and were able to play together on relatively equal footing.

Halloween HEXBUGs Crash Our Boston Bruins Birthday Party!
As Halloween approaches, it’s time for some creepy crawly fun. We had the chance to host a HEXBUG Halloween party this past weekend. We wove it into a Boston Bruins celebration for Bug and Big Guy’s birthdays, but the HEXBUG Nanos definitely had a starring role with the kids. We had some new glow-in the
Everybody Dance Video Game Review
Yeah, I like dancing video games. It’s ironic, since I can’t dance to save my life. I think it’s some leftover dream of being a performer. Anyway. Everybody Dance for the PlayStation 3 with Move gives you the chance to dance – and sing, if you’d like – to a variety of popular songs from Diana Ross’ Upside Down to Lady Gaga’s Born This Way.
Sesame Street Teaches a Real World Lesson in Internet Safety for Kids
Sesame Street’s popular YouTube channel was hacked yesterday, with porn replacing videos of our favorite Muppet characters. The channel was taken down, and Sesame Street has issued an apology to fans. (See CNN for full coverage) It looks like the Sesame Street channel has been restored, but it remains an unsettling reminder of how difficult it is to police the Internet and protect its youngest citizens from inappropriate content.
Applicious: Disney Winnie the Pooh–Pooh’s Birthday Surprise
I have had the chance to try a lot of apps from Disney Digital Books and Disney Winnie the Pooh – Pooh’s Birthday Surprise is one of my favorites so far. It combines a cute story with engaging graphics, animations, activities.
Good-bye Qwikster, Welcome Back Netflix
Our family has been using Netflix for quite some time now and have been relatively loyal, despite their occasional lapse of forward-thinking judgment (fans likely remember when they tried to remove the secondary queue…). The service itself has been nearly flawless, while their handling of customer challenges and complaints second to none.

Seven Years and You Roll with the Punches
Big Guy and I celebrated our 7th anniversary last weekend. Seven years ago at this time, we were on our honeymoon… a Mediterranean cruise. This year, we were home with our kids! But we had planned a special getaway weekend to Maine and were both looking forward to relaxation and quiet. When Friday night
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