Month: February 2012
HEXBUG Nano Zip Line Review (Video)
The HEXBUG Nano Zip Line Starter Set has been sought-after for quite some time. I got my first peek at Time to Play last fall, but you couldn’t buy it anywhere. Now this gem is available on the HEXBUG website. It retails for $24.99. I did a video review of the HEXBUG Zip Line so

A Sneak Peek at Disney Pixar’s Brave
I got my first look at Brave while in NYC for Toy Fair. Mattel has some beautiful dolls and play sets that go along with the movie. But now I can’t wait to see it! Merida, the lead character, reminds me of LadyBug with her wild curls and equally wild spirit. Brave is due out
ZeroChroma iPad and Tablet Cases
When I bumped into ZeroChroma at CES, I didn’t think much about it. I see a lot of tablet cases with flash and sizzle and theirs were pretty unassuming. Nonetheless, I stopped to chat, and I’m very glad I did. ZeroChroma brings performance to the forefront with cases that adapt and swivel, allowing your iPad, Kindle Fire, or iPhone to be at just the right angle and orientation for whatever you’re doing at the time.

Highs and Lows of Blogging Stars–Beating the Bloggy Blues
I was chatting with a friend the other day about Whitney Houston and how difficult it must be to deal with the highs and lows of being a star. One minute, you’re on top of the world, the next people barely remember you exist. And as we were talking, something dawned on me. Bloggers go
Boston Parent Bloggers Welcome the PS Vita
Today marked the official US launch of the new PlayStation Vita handheld gaming system. There has been plenty of buzz about the new system which boasts a 5-inch multi-touch screen, a rear touch screen, dual analog sticks, the Sixaxis motion system, wireless (with an AT&T 3G option version), front and rear cameras, and built-in GPS. At 7.2 inches wide, it’s not a tiny device, but it packs quite a punch.

Ellison the Elephant iPad App Review
Ellison the Elephant is a heartfelt e-story about a young elephant who finds his unique voice with the help of an unexpected friend. It’s a familiar theme, written in a new way with beautiful illustrations and a nicely narrated audio component. You can take it at your own pace or have it set to “auto play.” And another nice option is that you can read it yourself, while still enjoying the added sound bytes from some of the illustrations when you tap on them.

First Fondue
Big Guy and I LOVE fondue. We were so excited to introduce the kids to fondue earlier this month! LadyBug loved the bread (which I made from scratch) and the kielbasa. She wanted nothing to do with the cheese! Bug tried the cheese and decided that he wanted “just a little” on his food. In
Techno Source Announces Kurio Tablets for Families
If you have a tablet that you share with kids, chances are you’ve experienced the challenge of balancing the needs of different family members. How do you keep the tablet open enough for your needs, while keeping your kids from accessing content that’s inappropriate? Techno Source may have the answer with their newly announced Kurio tablets. These 7-inch, 8-inch, and 10-inch tablets are slated to bring all of the features you expect, while adding customizable profiles for each family member.
I’m a TWIN! Toyota Women’s Influencer Network
I am excited to announce that I’ve been selected to be an inaugural member of the Toyota Women’s Influencer Network, aka TWIN. Truth be told, my stint started at the beginning of January, but I’ve been kind of quiet about it while I process the information, learn more about expectations and figure out how I
iWatchz and the Nano
I don’t have an iPod Nano, but if I did I’d probably lose it. Geez, they’re small. That’s probably one reason why iWatchz caught my eye. They make watch bands to hold your Nano, allowing you both to use it like a watch and to keep it in a reasonably safe spot.
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