Month: December 2014

Holiday Show and Concert Fail
Last week was a bit crazy. In a two-day span of time, the kids had their holiday circus show (yes, they take circus class – silks, static trapeze, tightrope, juggling, clowning, acrobatics, etc.), LadyBug had a doctor appointment, and then she had her winter concert at school. We took the kids out to dinner with

It’s Beginning to Look Twice as Much Like Christmas…
One of the joys and challenges of being in a new home at the holidays is that you have a whole new space to decorate. It’s one of my favorite times of the year, so even as we were house hunting, I had an eye on how each home would look at Christmas. I

Irving Berlin’s A White Christmas in Boston [Review]
Guest post by Carrie Edwards of Colorful Spark. Exactly one week before Christmas Eve, I was able to treat my 6-year-old daughter to a special event, attending Irving Berlin’s White Christmas on stage at the Citi Wang Theatre in Boston. I’ve watched the movie every Christmas season for as long as I can remember and

Mega LeapFrog Giveaway
So. I’ve talked about the LeapFrog LeapBand, which encourages kids to be active. And I’ve talked about LeapFrog LeapTV, which also pairs activity with education via a console gaming system. I have not yet shared with you the LeapFrog LeapPad 3, but it is the latest iteration of LeapFrog’s handheld gaming units. It’s a bit smaller and lighter than the LeapPad Ultra, making it more friendly for smaller gamers to hold. It’s also faster and less expensive, so there’s a lot going for this device as long as you’re willing to sacrifice some screen real estate. But, other than sharing the LeapFrog colors, quality, and educational gaming experience, what do these three items have in common?

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical [Review]
Last night, my dad and I slogged through rain and flooded streets to get my kids to see Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical in Boston. We could have used a sleigh with some reindeer assistance because the traffic was awful and we ended up a few minutes late. Luckily, we zipped into the theater

Irving Berlin’s White Christmas Comes to Boston [Giveaway]
Growing up in New England, a “white Christmas” was always an ideal. Sure, it comes with travel headaches, but it’s just so magical. I think that magic is captured in Irving Berlin’s White Christmas. It tells the story of a song-and-dance duo who meet a pair of talented sisters and go through a variety of

#GiftSmart with Radio Shack and Some Great STEM Toys
I have always thought of Radio Shack as the place to go for random electrical parts, and the occasional gadget. It was never the place I thought to go for my Christmas shopping. So when I got the invite to “Gift Smart” with Radio Shack, I was intrigued. It turns out that Radio Shack has

When Being Unstoppable Requires a Team
I wrote this post as part of my participation in a blog tour for The Motherhood on behalf of the makers of Children’s MOTRIN® and received compensation to thank me for taking the time to participate. All opinions expressed are my own. When I first started working with the Children’s MOTRIN #UnstoppableMoms campaign in the

Droid Turbo–Super-Spy Hands-Free Controls
Me: “How now, brown cow? What’s my schedule this week?”
Droid Turbo (spoken): “Here are the events you requested. First up, you have a calendar event tomorrow at 4:10pm. The title is ‘Kids’ Dentist Appointments’.” [The phone’s screen displays my entire calendar for the week.]
#GivingTuesday–Supporting Hyper-Local Non-Profits
My first job out of college (it took me awhile, so this was in my late 20’s) was in a fledgling non-profit. It had grown out of a Harvard student organization and was bringing on its first employees. I believe there were 7 of us that first day in an almost-empty office. Unlike other places
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