Tag Archives: trapeze

LUZIA by Cirque du Soleil Bring Mexican Flair to Boston

LUZIA by Cirque du Soleil Bring Mexican Flair to Boston

If you still haven’t made it to a Cirque du Soleil performance, you  may still think of the circus as clowns with red noses, animals balancing on balls, and a traditional ring master leading the way. We were invited to the premiere of LUZIA by Cirque du Soleil in Boston for our review, and I… [more]

Big Apple Circus Metamorphosis Comes to Boston [Giveaway]

Big Apple Circus Metamorphosis Comes to Boston [Giveaway]

I’ve mentioned a few times that LadyBug loves the trapeze, but now both of my kids are taking circus classes. LadyBug is into the tricks, especially silks, trapeze, and stilts. Bug prefers the clowning, but now has taken to the silks as well. What I love is that with two vastly different personalities and skill… [more]

Holiday Show and Concert Fail

Holiday Show and Concert Fail

Last week was a bit crazy. In a two-day span of time, the kids had their holiday circus show (yes, they take circus class – silks, static trapeze, tightrope, juggling, clowning, acrobatics, etc.), LadyBug had a doctor appointment, and then she had her winter concert at school. We took the kids out to dinner with… [more]



LadyBug’s preschool told us that she’s their RELUCTANT one, HESITANT, AFRAID TO TRY NEW THINGS.     Needless to say, we were surprised. We say she’s our FEARLESS one: *She has been eyeing this trapeze at the Trapeze School New York  (TSNY) Beantown in Jordan’s Furniture for over a year. I finally got up the… [more]