Tag Archives: Parties

Crudite Creations Provides Beautiful and Healthy Veggie Centerpieces

We had LadyBug’s friend birthday party on Father’s Day weekend. We were getting her a bouncy house for the whole weekend, so I thought it would be a good time to have family and friends over, too. They could make the most of the bouncy house and see our new house. We invited Big Guy’s… [more]

Under the Sea Party–Mermaids, Fish, Turtles, and More!

Under the Sea Party–Mermaids, Fish, Turtles, and More!

When you’ve got a new house with an indoor pool and a daughter turning 7, all signs point to an “Under the Sea” themed birthday party. Sure, it’s a bit obvious, but it’s also got a lot of potential in terms of decorations and food. Any good party starts with the invitations. Of course, I’m… [more]

A Butterfly Garden Party

A Butterfly Garden Party

Last summer, LadyBug had a Butterfly Garden Party for her 6th birthday. I have been remiss in posting pictures, but that’s largely because I barely took any. I spent hours upon hours upon hours prepping for this party and then had no time to take pictures! So frustrating. Butterfly Garden Party Invitations In any case,… [more]