Tag Archives: bug

2011… a Year in Pictures

2011… a Year in Pictures

This was a crazy busy year full of all of my favorite things… family, travel, tech, and fun. These are just some of the highlights of my activities this year. CES 2011 in Vegas… Danny Gokey Concert A LOT of Snow Trip to Disney as the Traveling Mom Food Allergies Blogger A new room for… [more]

Going to Tooth Town

Going to Tooth Town

Bug is six and I’ve started asking him if he has any loose teeth. This past weekend, while watching the hockey game, I had to explain the purpose of the protective glass around the rink. We got onto the subject of lost teeth and then somehow stumbled onto the subject of the Tooth Fairy. I… [more]

Pink and Purple Guns

Pink and Purple Guns

When Big Guy and I decided to have kids, I had some ideas about how I wanted to raise them. My husband had fewer opinions, but seemed on board with the things that were most important to me. I know that you can’t really be prepared for what it’s like to have kids, but now,… [more]

Halloween HEXBUGs Crash Our Boston Bruins Birthday Party!

Halloween HEXBUGs Crash Our Boston Bruins Birthday Party!

As Halloween approaches, it’s time for some creepy crawly fun. We had the chance to host a HEXBUG Halloween party this past weekend. We wove it into a Boston Bruins celebration for Bug and Big Guy’s birthdays, but the HEXBUG Nanos definitely had a starring role with the kids. We had some new glow-in the… [more]

LeapFrog LeapPad Review – Adults and Kids Agree!

LeapFrog LeapPad Review – Adults and Kids Agree!

We recently received a LeapFrog LeapPad to try out and share with friends. I haven’t seen it much since it arrived in the house and the kids took off with it, but I had a little time to test it out for a proper review. I’ve got my thoughts below. In addition, my son (who… [more]

Lowes Build and Grow Teaches Kids to DIY

Lowes Build and Grow Teaches Kids to DIY

Every other Saturday morning, Lowes offers a free workshop for kids. The Build and Grow Clinic gives each child an apron, safety goggles and a kit with all the supplies needed for one project. You can keep all the gear. They also loan you kid-sized tools to use. The kits are great for little people,… [more]